Our Vision, Mission & Values

Our vision is that all people with a learning disability are respected, valued and empowered to live life to the full.

Our mission is to provide support and opportunities for people with learning disabilities and the people that care about them.  We will raise awareness, break down barriers and promote understanding within the community.

Our values are the key things that we believe help to make us the best that we can be.  They are:

Empowering:  We aim to support everybody to grow, develop and reach their full potential
Approachable:  When people need us, we are there
Inclusive:  People with a learning disability and their loved ones are at the heart of everything we do
Passionate:  We are dedicated to improving the lives of the people we support
Respectful:  We treat everyone who comes into contact with our organisation with dignity and respect

Our Journey

We were founded in 1971 by a small group of parents who wanted to support other families and people with a learning disability in Bexley.  In 1990 we were gifted a large building, the Betty Tod Centre, and from there we developed a range of services and became known for the high quality service that we still provide today.

Unfortunately in 2008 the building was demolished, so we moved to temporary accommodation and began the biggest project we had ever tackled – to own our own hub.  With the support of local people and funders we bought and converted a building where our hub is now based which officially opened in 2010. 

Since then we have continued to deliver activities and services for people throughout Bexley and to be the local voice of learning disability.

Joan Morris

Joan Morris helped to make Bexley Mencap what we know today, responsible for supporting the transition to becoming an independent charity in 1971.  She held the role of Chief Executive where she campaigned tirelessly for equality, improved services and greater awareness until her retirement.  She remained heavily involved with the organisation serving on the board of Trustees and then becoming President, a position which she held until her death.

Joan’s dedication, determination and her passion for raising awareness and improving support and services for local people helped make Bexley Mencap what it is today.  She was an influential and respected leader who helped to shape the future of the organisation and her work impacted the lives of many local people.